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Friday, January 10, 2025

 This is my latest update. I have been really working hard on my art. I find it is really fun and challenging. I have always been the type to not be afraid to be bold and try new things. I have been trying abstract art for the last year and I have been developing a style. I love to put feeling and emotion into my paintings.  Sometimes the content is met with odd stares and shock. That's fine with me. What is the point of art if it is boring? But so far the feedback on my Facebook page has been wonderful! People love it! So that is great! It is always good to always be developing your skill set as an artist. And I really don't follow trends so I paint what I like and what feels right for me...  I started with small formats and now I am up to painting in acrylics on large formats like a 36 x 48 wrapped canvas. The latest one I did is a vibrant fiery composition with depth and texture. I have entered a few of my pieces on the art site FASO. I will be uploading some of my better pieces soon to there. I entered on of my pieces I call "Burning Desire". It is a fiery scene with flaming red and what looks like a burning forest.

Don't ask me why but my last three paintings in the last couple months have been a fire theme with burning woods, etc. and a real apocalyptic atmosphere with visions of red, and blood and destruction. Then of course the L.A. fires happened. This is not the first time I had a vision/ideas of something in my head and then the next thing I know I see it happen on t.v. or somewhere else? Really weird. So if you want to go see my latest entry on FASO go take a peak. It is really unique.  People seem to really like it a lot I am building my portfolio so I can enter them, hopefully, into a jury'd art show.   I still do more traditional art off and on as it is fun too... I did an evening piece based on the scenery of the Washington Palouse. Rolling hills with a river and with the moon casting a luminous light across the hills and water and with a starry night sky. I think it turned out really pretty! I have gotten great feedback on that piece.

Well cheers for now and look at some of my newer pieces on FASO. I am hoping in the near future to get a website set up there so I can display my work better.  Cheers!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

I have been busy churning out a number of paintings and having a blast! Check out some of the pictures here to see what I have been up to. I also added a picture of my little art studio(one half of it). It is small, but all mine and I have a big South facing window to give me good light. It is a basement studio. But I built it so it has more meaning... I always wanted my own space to create and now I have one. On the other side I built a closet with storage and modified and old A.V. cabinet that is built really heavy duty and has large slide out drawers that I can store smaller canvases, art pads, etc.

So I have been quite busy. If you click on the images on the right you can go to Fine Art America and see more of my work I have been doing lately. It is fun to re-connect with my create side...

Sunday, December 31, 2023

 Well hello everyone! I hope you all are well and had a Happy and Healthy Holiday and will have a Happy and Healthy New Year 2024!   I am still doing my artwork, but I have not published my latest works...  I do want to get back to my book. I am determined to finish it. I had some set backs, but now I am back on track. I am still seeing what my audience will be... I think it will be an age 12-17. It has a dual time-line so it is tricky to get the two time-lines to merge at the end. But I am happy with the progress so far



Sunday, July 3, 2022

 Hello Everyone!

Well what an interesting 2 years this has been! I guess The pandemic has put a wrench in many people's plans... I, however, have been soldiering on as best I could... The book is still getting worked on and I have been working on my art.  I finished a lighthouse painting for my sister and a painting of my son when he was little with his Dad at the lake and I did some original floral paintings and some landscapes.  They turned out pretty good! I will try to post those in the future... I am juse very happy that my site is working again!!  Yippee!!! I would love to hear from other artists out there and how the pandemic has affected you or if you have actually had more time to create work!  

My Best,


Friday, October 9, 2020

Back to work as an artist!


Well who knew we would be in this COVID Crisis? Well the one thing that is nice is that I am home teleworking and I am doing more artwork. And I am back to blogging again.

 I have created two paintings, refinished several peices of furniture. One a classic 1950's chest of drawers and the other some McCoy Couch furniture. A dresser and mirror and a chest of drawers from the 1960's. And now I am started up writing again. I am trying not to go stir crazy being stuck at home more. So writing and physical work are keeping me out of trouble. Work fills my days and my hobbies keeps me out of trouble at the other time... How are others out there dealing with the COVID situation? How is home life working out? We are all teleworking at home. My husband and our son who is in college online and me teleworking from home...  Let me know the challenges...what do you do? How are you coping?

My Best




Sunday, January 12, 2020

Well I have been hovering behind the scenes...  I am currently working on more character development. The story is basic on fictional events.  But there are some characters that I drew inspiration from real people. I am working on the next chapter. I have another one already completed, but I have not posted it. If you would like to see more of the story you can join my site and let me know...  I know that the story will get more complex as time goes on... I have many more ideas floating around in my head.

In the meantime... I will get back to writing.  I hope that day-to-day life is treating other people well and everyone is treating each other with patience and kindness during these difficult times we live in... Find joy in your life....!  But for sure I am still here and actively working on this book. I am determined to finish it as I have many more ideas for my next one... Who knows...? It may be my retirement plan to keep me busy?  John will for sure have some more challenges ahead and more conflict will arise as his friendships evolve and he grows up... What surprises will there be? You have to wait and see?

Friday, December 29, 2017

Well after a two year absence I am back. And yes I am still working on my book. I now have my own laptop so I can work more efficiently on it so I will be able to contribute to it more. I have the work copyrighted so it is for my use only. But you are welcome to enjoy what I have posted and let me know what you think? I am on to chapter 8 now. 7 is finished and 8 is humming along... I feel it will probably be around 12-15 chapers by the time I am done. It may go longer depending on how the story works out. I have been working on the basement of my home and adding an art studio there so I can also work on my art. So I am going gang busters on it. It is so exciting to have an outlet for an artist person. It is also a great stress reliever for those out there needing some down time from the hectic day to day things in life... So when I get ready to I can post more, but I cannot post the entire book for fear of it getting stolen. If you like it you can join my blog site. As always... Keep creating!
